728x90 데이터통신 퀴즈1 데통 퀴즈정리 Q13 20MHz X 8 = 160 MHz Data = 1 이면 원본 Data = 0이면 - 곱합 Combined Signal A와 B를 더함 A 코드와 이걸 곱합 Q7 1. MIMO 종류 두개 1. spatial diversity , spatial multiplexing 2. MIMO exploits the space dimension to improve wireless systems in terms of 'all of the left' 3. With 'spatial diversity' the same data is coded and transmitted through multiple antennas 4. 'MU-MIMO' extends the basic MIMO concept to multiple endpo.. 2020. 6. 26. 이전 1 다음 728x90